Jury duty can induce anxiety even during normal times, but in the midst of a global pandemic, people who receive a summons for federal jury service may have more concerns than usual. In order to allay any worries, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana has posted a video detailing the steps the Court is taking to help protect jurors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further information can be found in the Press Release and also on the Court's COVID-19 Juror Information webpage.
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News & Announcements: 08/2020
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Jury trials will resume on or after September 1, 2020. The resumption of jury trials does not preclude a Judge from continuing a jury trial for reasons related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic nor, for criminal jury trials, making the necessary findings to exclude any such delay under the Speedy Trial Act. Please see General Order linked below for further details.
Chief Judge Jane E. Magnus-Stinson today issued a General Order that allows the resumption of jury trials in all divisions of the Southern District of Indiana on September 1, 2020. To the extent this Order differs from previous orders of the Court on this subject, this Order supersedes and replaces those Orders. Please read the Press Release for more information.
Spoofers are using the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana’s main phone number, 317-229-3700, to scam and intimidate people. Please see the Press Release for full details.
On Friday, September 25, 2020, at 3:00 pm EDT, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana and the Indiana State Bar Association Latino Affairs Committee will welcome Dr. Padilla Peralta as the keynote speaker at their fourth annual Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Due to social distancing limitations caused by the ongoing pandemic, the event will be held virtually.
At the age of four, Dan-el Padilla Peralta arrived in New York City from the Dominican Republic. Despite his undocumented status, the young boy rose from poverty and homelessness to obtain his Ph.D. and is now an Associate Professor of Classics at Princeton University. Dr. Padilla Peralta's presentation will focus on historical and contemporary approaches to the dilemmas of citizenship. For further details and registration information, see the Press Release.
From the Southern District of Indiana's efforts to administer justice during a pandemic, to reflections on Hoosier women's role in the quest for female suffrage, to a violent election fraud case that rocked Terre Haute 115 years ago, the 13th Annual Court History and Continuing Legal Education Symposium promises to be one of the most interesting yet!
Due to the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Symposium will take place in a virtual format this fall. Three separate one-hour virtual sessions will be held in September, October, and November. The CLE programs have been organized by the Historical Society of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana and are sponsored by the Court. For full program details and registration information, see the Press Release.