During the months of March, April, May, and June 2020, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana issued several General Orders regarding Court operations in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These orders, among other things, continued all jury trials and discussed delays caused by criminal trial continuances with respect to the Speedy Trial Act. On June 26, 2020, the Court issued a General Order providing for the resumption of modified Court operations in certain circumstances, including the resumption of some jury trials. However, as of this date, all jury trials are continued through and including at least August 31, 2020, and subject to further order of the Court, certain jury trials may resume beginning September 1, 2020.
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News & Announcements: 07/2020
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Chief Judge Jane E. Magnus-Stinson today issued a General Order that suspends jury trials in all divisions of the Southern District of Indiana through and including at least August 31, 2020; subject to further order of the Court, some jury trials may resume on September 1, 2020. Please see the Press Release for further information.
Chief Judge Jane E. Magnus-Stinson will preside over a naturalization ceremony at 10:00 am on Thursday, July 23, marking the first such ceremony the court has held since the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic in March. 86 new citizens, hailing from 29 different countries, will take the Oath of Citizenship as part of a short ceremony outside the Indiana War Memorial in downtown Indianapolis. Due to the pandemic, only new citizens, court staff, and staff from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will be in attendance. New citizens and staff will adhere to social distancing requirements and wear face coverings in order to comply with local health mandates.
New citizens will be able to view a video of welcoming remarks and important information on the rights and responsibilities of Americans. Russell Hollis, Deputy Clerk of the Marion County Clerk's Office, provides information on how new citizens can register to vote. Senator Todd Young, Congressman Andre Carson, Congresswoman Susan Brooks, and Governor Eric Holcomb send their best wishes and congratulations to the new citizens, and Jimmie McMillian, president-elect of the Indianapolis Bar Association, also provides information on how new citizens can access legal services. The video can be viewed on the court's YouTube channel.
Members of the media wishing to cover the ceremony should contact Deputy Clerk Hattie Harman at 317-229-3968 by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 22.