Effective December 1, 2020, certain Federal Rules of Practice and Procedure were amended. Links to the amended Rules are available on the United States Courts website.
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News & Announcements: 12/2020
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Chief Judge Jane E. Magnus-Stinson today issued a General Order that suspends in-person jury trials in all divisions of the Southern District of Indiana until at least March 1, 2021. To the extent this Order differs from previous orders of the Court on this subject, this Order supersedes and replaces those Orders. Please read the General Order for specific details.
Indianapolis, Indiana (December 7, 2020): The United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana is pleased to announce three Indiana winners from the District Court's Bill of Rights student competition. Students from across the state submitted essays, poems, art, and videos expressing their thoughts on the importance of the Bill of Rights and its meaning in their lives. The Court received many wonderful submissions and the decision was difficult. All students who entered a submission are to be congratulated for their effort. To view the list of winning submissions, please see the Press Release.
The Honorable Jane E. Magnus-Stinson, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, announced today the selection of Mario Garcia for the position of United States Magistrate Judge. Mr. Garcia will fill a new magistrate judgeship created for the Southern District of Indiana by the Judicial Conference of the United States. He will be the first judge of Hispanic heritage to serve the Southern District of Indiana. Please see the Press Release for full details.